Governor la trobe biography books

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La Trobe : Traveller Writer Governor

November 2,
I’ve always had an interest in Charles Joseph La Trobe. Now, at last, I have a more rounded view of him.

Governor la trobe biography books

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  • La Trobe: Traveller, Writer, Governor will reward the discerning reader with the fullest understanding yet of Victoria’s much-misunderstood first Governor.

    Dr Andrew Lemon, former President of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria, in praising John Barnes' fair-minded credibility says; ‘Charles Joseph La Trobe, from wherever he now watches, should be eternally grateful that John Barnes chose to be his biographer.’ One more quote from Lemon is a must; ‘The great strength of this book, in addition to its clear and elegant prose, is its fair-mindedness.

    Its great originality is its lucid literary analysis which helps us understand the man.

    Barnes takes us on a journey with La Trobe exploring his life in the 38 years before he saw Melbourne and his ‘recovery’ and life after his last career highlight.

    Barnes’ intention is ‘to te