Nurse leader biography books

Nurse leader biography books

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    Nursing's Greatest Leaders: A History of Activism

    Uniquely focuses on nursing history through the lens of leadership

    " This book is perfect for men and women who aspire to lead nursing and society into a better future.

    It will equally benefit undergraduate students enrolled in leadership courses, graduate students preparing for leadership roles, and nurses already established in leadership roles. [This book] deepened my love for nursing and reinforced why nursing is repeatedly ranked the most trusted profession."

    -Susan B.

    Hassmiller , PhD, RN, FAAN

    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Senior Adviser for Nursing

    Director, Campaign for Action

    With an emphasis on the qualities that have fostered strong nursing leadership, this book provides a unique perspective on the lives and achievements of the most revered nurses throughout history.

    It is comprised of biographies of many of nursing's most important activist agents of change, with a focus on those characteris