Professor carlo fonseka biography books

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A Lifetime Of Scientific Thinking

Book Review: ‘Essays Of A Lifetime‘ By Professor Carlo Fonseka – Publisher: S. Godage & Brothers (Private) Ltd (2016)

At St Joseph’s College Colombo I had a vivid image-memory of the young Carlo Fonseka as an artist who drew together an informal kind of singing club at Bonjean Memorial Hall.The radio was the mass media device during those days and I remember him and his soulmates flock around it to join the singing during “Listeners’ Request.” As a junior who held seniors in awe, I gravitated toward the flock with some trepidation in order to add my humble input into the vocal outpour.

Sunil Shantha was the star then.

Professor carlo fonseka biography books

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  • The handsome singer with the sitar in hand. As we now know only too well, the artist in Carlo never left him even though he was soon to turn into a celebrity exponent of scientific thinking.

    The last-mentioned phase commenced after Carlo Fonseka left school to join the prestigious Medical College in Colombo.

    He performed